
Terms & Conditions

Term & conditions

This Agreement is made today between the coach of the program and the person named at the end of this document. The program in which you are about to enroll in will include all of the following: 

1. Personalized training programs based on your current condition and goals. Programs are updated as needed throughout our term, usually every 4 weeks. But this will be based on what is optimal for your progression. 

2. Personalized macronutrient plan, assessed weekly and adjusted as needed throughout our term. Including an example meal-prepping list and meal ideas. 

3. Availability to constant communication via text, email, the training app messenger system, the client only Facebook page  "Hiyenaz Lets E.A.T. (Elevate Accelerate Transformation)”, and phone calls which are to be scheduled ahead of time. The client is to understand responses may take up to 24 hours, and will be answered from Monday - Saturday. 

4. Weekly check ins to assess progression, hold you accountable, and discuss any current concerns or problems the client is experiencing.

5. If purchasing for a single session then no accountability or nutrition coaching is valid. 

6. We will meet in person 2- 4 times a month as discussed* IF HYBRID PROGRAM IS PURCHASED & AT MY OWN DISCRETION*

7. If You are in the Hybrid Program you can only reschedule 2 times with no penalties and no descretion.  However, If you need to reschedule after the 2nd no descretion attempt, on the  3rd attempt you will lose that session if not warned within 12 hours of scheduled sessions, during the 8 sessions.

8. Hi-Z Kickboxing & Weightlifting are Group Excercises. You Agree to go at your own rate of exertion. No climate, form of excercise performance and condition is your descretion alone. Know Your limits! 

Ex. 2 reschedules No Penalties 

3rd reschedule with in 12 hours will result in a loss session out of the 8 sessions. 

Payments & Refunds

You agree to commit to a 24 week minimum, and will continue with month to month coaching afterwards until you cancel your services. Your coach will require a minimum of 30 days notice for service cancellations, from any payment due date AFTER the 4 week commitment.*DEPENDS ON PLAN CHOSEN. IF 4 WEEK PLAN IS CHOSEN OR TRIAL PERIOD THEN THIS IS INVALID. ONCE PAYMENT IS PROCESSED THEN 8 WEEK COMMITANT IS IN PLACE AS LONG AS YOUR ONLINE WELLNESS COACH IS COMPLETING THE OFFERED TASK FOR THAT SPECFIC PROGRAM* 

You agree to pay the purchase price and not to cancel this transaction with your bank or credit card company. The Coach is not responsible for any overdraft charges, over limit charges, or NSF fees by your bank or credit card company. Fees for services may be pre-paid. 

Missed payments may result in suspension or termination of Services with no refund of previous payments. If after 30 days from a missed payment you have not made arrangements with the Coach to make up the payment, your services will be cancelled and no fees will be refunded.

Specific results from the program are based on the use of the services. The Coach makes no representations or warranties as to specific outcomes or results. The Coach cannot guarantee that you will become or remain happy, healthy, or successful as it is based on the individual taking action. In the event of the Client’s absence or withdrawal, for any reason whatsoever, the Client will remain responsible for the pro rata share of the program that has been delivered, plus a cancellation fee of $50

The Coach reserves the right to cancel the program if at any point she or he feels it is not advantageous for the coaching program to continue. If this happens, the Client is only responsible for the pro rata share of coaching services received. This agreement will stay in force until your term is cancelled. Failure to pay required fees may result in Coach terminating the Agreement prior to the end of the term, and discontinuing your access to Services.

Under no circumstances are refunds offered after work has been completed. The coach can not get the time back that they put into your program. If anything happens where you cannot continue with the program make sure you bring this to your coaches attention and it will be up to the coaches discretion.

*Invalid if you are purchasing just for an single personal training session*


The Client understands that the role of the Health Coach is not to prescribe medication, test levels in the body, provide licensed health care, medical services or to diagnose, treat or cure any medical disease, condition or other physical or mental diagnosed ailment of the human body.

Rather, the Coach is a mentor and guide who has been trained in fitness coaching to help clients reach their own health goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, effective and sustainable lifestyle changes based on the program provided.

The Client understands that any advice given by the Coach is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals but instead to be an alternative or a complimentary treatment. If the Client is under the care of a health care professional or currently uses prescription medications, the Client should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplements use with his or her doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting his or her doctor.

The Client has chosen to work with the Coach and understands that the information received should not be seen as medical or nursing advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals for issues that need immediate care.

Personal Responsibility & Release Of Health Care Related Claims

The Client acknowledges that the Client takes full responsibility for the Client’s life and well-being, and all decisions made during and after this program. The Client expressly assumes the risks of the Program, including the risks of trying new foods or supplements, and the risks inherent in making lifestyle changes.

The Client releases the Coach from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which the Client ever had, now has or will have in the future against the Coach, arising from the Client’s past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to, the Program, unless arising from the gross negligence of the Coach.