

Intermittent Fasting & Weight loss Coach


Intermittent Fasting & Weight loss Coach


Intermittent Fasting & Weight loss Coach

Making online fitness training truly personal

You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. I am here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalised training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road -Hiyenaz will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, to celebrate your wins, and to be on top of all the last-minute schedule changes. Checkout the Free Push-up Calorie counter: <div id="cal_push_ups"></div><script src='https://www.bizcalcs.com/cal-assets/cbfc_files/cbfc-public-assets/calories-burned-push-ups.js'></script>

You have me!!! Your own personal coach is in your pocket!

Personalized Schedule With An Expert!

Transform your fitness journey with an exclusive training program designed specifically for you to achieve your goals. Your personalized schedule will include workouts, meal plans, hydration as well as activity goals.

Dynamic Workout Routines

Enjoy a variety of exercises - all suited to your style. Whether you want to sculpt your body or lose fat, workout at home or gym, with or without equipment, beginner or advanced level - there's something for everyone.

Flexible Nutrition Plans

A healthy body starts on the inside. Get a meal plan with multiple options to easily follow it and get the results you are looking for. Do it without missing out on your favorite food with the power of quantified nutrition.

Instant Messaging & Video Calls*

Stay connected with me in real-time with messages and video calls. With photo, audio, video and document sharing supported right in the app, connect with me for just about anything, anytime. Personal Plans Only.

Success Stories

Transformation before after
From 310 to 255lbs!
Transformation before after
Hi-Z Kickboxing & Weight Training helped me lose 80lbs!
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
1st Annual Lets E.A.T. Challenge winner!
Transformation before after
From mom to active buisness woman

Available Plans



**PLAN DISCOUNTED TO THE FIRST ! 1st 50 PPL THAT SIGN UP!** Fitness Program Weekly Check-ins 30 Minute to 60 Minute Workouts Shopping List With Food library + Barcode Scanner Free Messaging to Your trainer Plus Membership to our private Facebook Group Hiyenaz Lets E.A.T.! Weekly Lives of workouts, mindset and nutrition information!

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Regular progress check-ins

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

Facebook Group Community of Beast Transformers!

Free nutrition, mindset and fitness education

24/7 chat support

for first 3 days
Official Booty Builder and Core Shredder

Official Booty Builder and Core Shredder

**PLAN DISCOUNTED For A Limited Time Only!** Ultimate Guide for building legs and shredding core and building an round bottom. Exercises changes periodically so stay subscribed! Plus Membership to our private Facebook Group Hiyenaz Lets E.A.T.! Weekly Lives of workouts, mindset and nutrition information!

Lower body workout with concentration on glutes

Core Workout to help shred belly fat!

Cardio for building glutes and Booty!

for first week
Nutrition Tracking

Nutrition Tracking

Like MyFitness pal but better. you have a real person and a real FB group community that are available to ask questions. For optimal results everyone needs to learn how to track

Nutrition tracking only

Step counter

Bar code scanning!

for first 3 days
The Unorthodox Fast 6-12-25 Method For SIZE

The Unorthodox Fast 6-12-25 Method For SIZE

The Unorthodox Fast 6-12-25 Method For SIZE Infused with Charles Polquin & My own method. You Will Lose Fat and gain lean muscle off this program. Dream weight Body weight High school weight. Perfect program to burn the tummy, round bottom, slimming core and overall Optimal health. You will have gains you never thought would be possible. Lets turn Back time with The Unorthodox Fast Method Example of what the 6-12-25 method: Example Round 1 Squat =6 reps/135lbs Weight Lbs Lunge = 12/ 95lbs Weight Lbs Calve raises= 25/ 50lbs Weight Lbs 2nd round Squat =25 reps 100lbs Lunge = 6 135lbs Calve raises= 12 75lbs 3rd round Squat =12 reps 125lbs Lunge = 25 60lbs Calve raises= 6 100lbs You will rotate the rep ranges for each excercise. Doesnt matter what order you perform but each set of 3 should see the different rep ranges and different weight load. Lowest weight is always the Heaviest and the high rep range is the lightest. 12 should always be 60% effort

for first 2 weeks

Xavier Gilmore

The Fast Fit Chef Wellness Coach

HIYENAZ is proudly sponsored by Xavier Gilmore CFO of "A Place For Plates" which is a personal chef/ catering event planning service. This man loves to eat and cook. Hiyenaz he cooks well. He believes in order to be successful not only should you be mentally successful. In fact you should physically look successful. Along his journey of Entrepreneurship he did not only want to mentally think about being successful, you must look successful. The catch is you just cannot do it alone. When you surround yourself around other hungry, consistent, hardworking and information starving like minded people, you are more likely to succeed. That's why HIYENAZ was created. Trying to find innovative ways to support and achieve our fitness goals. There's only one goal for us all. E.A.T. Elevate Accelerated Transformation.

Xavier Gilmore
Xavier Gilmore

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Intermittent Fasting 101

You'll learn the basics of intermittent fasting and how it will help you to achieve your goals

Beast Testimonials

My experience with this challenge was amazing it helped me structured workouts and it helped me be accountable for what I was eating......without the challenge I'm not sure if I would've dropped 54lbs as fast I did great program and better experience 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Paul M.

Now THIS is the 1 on 1 I'm talking about. I usually get in abt 80oz oz water daily but I will strive to hit 90. And thanks for the powder suggestions. I definitely would not have known what to get. I'm gonna look into that when I get home. For the exercises in 3 I could definitely get those in my everyday routine maybe add them to a morning workout during the challenge. Thank you. This was so helpful. I'm really having fun with your program. I plan on posting my intro video Sat when I'm off( better late than never) I'm Hype right now

Kyo Squires

Fall in love with fitness

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.